Tips to improve the SEO of your WordPress website

Do you want your business to also win the virtual world? So, the first step is to build a WordPress site. After that, you will have a website at your disposal to delight your customers and win new ones.

With a website in your hands, you will have endless possibilities to make your mark on the market and a good impression on your target audience.

One way to do this is through content.

Someone already said: Content is King. And for the content of your website to exercise all the majesty, it needs good SEO. Not only the content but your website as a whole.

In today’s article, we will provide tips on how you can improve the SEO of your WordPress site and thus reach your target audience effectively. Also, let’s quickly recall what SEO is and why it is so important.

What is SEO?

SEO is a set of techniques and strategies that allow a website to improve its positioning in the organic results of search engines, such as Google.

Why is it important to have good SEO on your website?

As mentioned above, the main reason for having a good SEO on your WordPress site is because of its positioning in search engines.

Why is placement in search engines important?

A good positioning allows your product and service to be found more quickly by your customers.

Imagine this: a person is looking for the services that your company offers. When typing in a search engine, like Google, for example, the first results will be those that this person will check.

She will hardly check the page 300 of 1,500 available in results, right?

After all, the first results have more credibility, right?

Good positioning in the search engines allows you to bring more sales to your company, as well as to give prominence and credibility to your brand.

Tips to improve your SEO

Well-understood of what SEO is and what are the reasons why it is so important on your WordPress site, we have separated 3 basic and practical tips for you to start boosting your site’s SEO.

1. Use keywords

Keywords have power! If you know how to use them, your website’s SEO will certainly be improved.

The concept of a keyword on the web is: Keywords are the words (or a group of them) that describes the theme of a website or the subject of a text, and is used by search engines for the purpose of presenting relevant results and accurate.

So, keywords are those little words you use on your website to describe what services or products you offer. Thus, when your customer or future customer is looking for your service, search engines will know that your website is relevant to that search.

Isn’t that cool? If you use your keywords correctly, search engines help you reach your target audience!

In order for you to get the most out of them, you first of all need to find out what your business keywords are. To find out, imagine what words your customer or potential customer would use to search for the product you offer. For example, here at Yogh one of the keywords as a whole is: website creation in WordPress.

After that, you can measure the popularity of the words and adopt the ones that best suit your service or product.

You can use the keyword strategy in the content you develop, in the titles, in the internal and external links, and in the image descriptions.

Important: The keywords you use must appear naturally on your website and content. Search engines can tell when you’re abusing keywords.

2. Optimized titles

You can have great content but if you don’t have that title that catches the attention of your readers, chances are they will never discover the incredible content created by not being captivated by the title used.

So, whenever you define your headline, think that it should capture the interest of your audience. Using keywords in it is essential for it to be optimized!

Another strategy to improve SEO is to define a specific title for SEO through an SEO plugin (see tip 3 for more on this plugin).

How does it work? We explain to you!

With the aid of a plugin, you have the possibility to create a specific title to improve the positioning of your content.

That is: your content will have two titles.

The main title will be placed on H1 to attract readers’ attention using the keyword. See the image below:

As well as the specific title for SEO placed in the plugin. This title will appear as a search result, from Google for example.

A simple and practical strategy to improve your SEO.

3. Install an SEO plugin

Another basic and practical tip that you can follow to improve your website’s SEO is to install an SEO plugin.

Here we are going to suggest the Yoast SEO plugin.

Through this plugin, essentially, you can write better content for your WordPress site. Because?

Because it forces you to choose a focused keyword while you write your content and ensures that you use it throughout your article. It has a system that evaluates how the SEO of your content in question is based on the chosen keyword.

That is: with the plugin you have an analysis of the page. Not only does the verification of the good use of the keyword, but it also assesses whether your publication has enough content, whether your images are optimized, whether the subtitles of your article are ok, whether the meta description is within the standards required by the mechanisms of search, among other functions.

That way, when using the plugin, you have a broader and more targeted view of how your publication is doing.


The tips suggested here are basic actions to start working and improve the SEO of your WordPress site.

If you make good use of these practices:

·       Use keywords;

·       Optimize titles;

·       Install a specific SEO plugin

For sure, you will already be able to notice a different result in the positioning of your content.

We hope this article has helped you!

Do you have any other practical tips to improve SEO? Leave a comment:

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