What is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer Marketing

Nowadays marketing trends are completely changed and influencer marketing is one of the game changing trends in the industry. It is a mixture of old and new marketing tools which follows the basic celebrity endorsement strategy. The content which is driven by these celebrities is used for a marketing campaign. People have a very false assumption regarding this marketing trend. They are afraid that this will replace social media content marketing. In fact, the hidden truth is that influencer marketing cannot exist without social media. It is like its backbone.

Unlike celebrities, these influences can be anywhere. You just have to find them

Basically, an influencer is a person who is an expert in some field say fashion, media or photography and he or she uses social media for expressing and showing his work. Thousands and millions of people follow these influences on Instagram or Twitter. They have a huge number of fan following. People admire them and ask their opinion prior to buying a pair of shoe or a makeup product. These followers are your target audience.

You have to catch their attention. Nowadays blogging is a very common career option and is growing at a fast rate in the industry. It is linked with all the social media applications such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or snapchat. These bloggers capture the interest of their followers through honest reviews and opinions on a specific product.

Most of the times these influences are very educated and people listen to them instead of seeing a long ad at TV or YouTube.

How it works?

Now one can get confused about the link between an influencer and the marketing. Many world-renowned brands send their new lines of clothing or new fragrance to these influences as part of their public relations. Public relations plays a key role in influencer marketing. It is an unpaid way of communication with the public through an influencer. It is mostly done through social media accounts. It helps an individual, company or business to flourish and grow at a very good pace.

Now when these social media influences receive brands PR package they use them and give their reviews on these products. These reviews are like 100 percent accurate and these influences or bloggers never put themselves at the stake for something free. On their consideration, many people buy these products and it has been seen lately that brands sales have doubled due to this influencer marketing.

How can you do it?

Firstly it’s not a very difficult task. You just need some good searching techniques and insights for finding a highly influenced person on social media accounts. You can find these bloggers after getting yourself highly engaged in social media accounts. Follow other online pages and see how they collaborate with these influences. Anyone who is running his own business and want to advertise his product then this way of advertisement is the best option. If you didn’t get any positive results still there are no losses at all. You are not investing a huge amount or your business shares. Don’t feel shy or confused about approaching any social media influencer.

Don’t rush to any decision abruptly. Take your time and see what’s happening around in a social hub. Now after your qualitative findings shortlist 5-7 top influences. Send your product to these influences with a kind and sweet note. Make the packaging good and don’t ask about reviewing your product straight away.

They will review your product if they like them. Moreover this all influencer marketing requires a lot of patience. You cannot achieve anything overnight. This is the biggest con of this new marketing strategy otherwise it’s a very safe option.

You will get to know more about people or sometimes brands find new faces for their advertising campaign. So it’s a win-win situation from both sides.

Influencer marketing Platform

The influencer marketing platform is a direct way to get connected with the influences which are present on that platform. Every platform has some of its top influences which highly targets the audience. Following are some of the examples of marketing platforms

·      HYPR

·      Popular chips

·      Upfluence

·      Neoreach

·      Revfluence

·      Influencer

·      Lefty

·      Sideqik

The number of influences vary in all these platforms according to the size of their database. Some of them support 1 million and others only some thousands. These influences marketing will give a boost to your business and brand.

Future of Influencer marketing

Experts have a strong opinion in this matter and according to them in the next five to six years, influencer marketing will change the picture of advertisement and marketing of any business product. The world will be in just this small device known as a mobile. This new method of advertisement will make you earn millions of dollars unless you have invested at a potential catch. It is going to be a game changer. According to a survey, 94% of the marketers have found this influencers marketing very effective and useful. Half of the people who have used this approach are thinking of increasing their budget in influencer marketing next year.

Benefits of Influencer marketing

1.     Scalability

Banner ads and commercials now don’t have their impact anymore once they used to have in the past. Hubspot has reported that average click on these ads is just one percent. More than 70% of people skip the ad which is being played during a video or a game. Influencer marketing gives a way to look at the brands advertising which is otherwise not possible. By using this platform of marketing you get a chance to connect with the audience which is otherwise not possible.

2.     Influencing rate

This influencing market actually influences real people. They get inspired by these people and buy a certain product. In a study conducted on influencer marketing products showed that 40%  of the users have bought this product after following a tweet from an influencer. I myself read many reviews from famous bloggers before buying anything. Many old age people have shown to buy more products which are suggested by a YouTuber.

3.     Targeted audience

Influencer audience is very specific and is only a small percentage of the whole population. if you collaborate with a right influencer your brand will reach the audience which it hasn’t been able to reach in the past.

4 Trust

Trust is the main ingredient in any type of marketing around the globe. Influencer marketing runs on trust and credibility. An influencer or a blogger will never review or suggest a low-quality product for its followers. People trust these influencers to a great extent and if your brand is of good quality then this kind of marketing approach would be ideal for you.

5. High ROI

Influencer marketing when compared with other digital marketing techniques has proved to be a safest option for investmaximized expanding your sales. Influencer marketing has also shown high percentage of ROI.

Whether you are trying to increase your connections, want to maximize your sales products or want to double your brand’s sale then benefits of this influencer marketing will help you achieve your goals faster. So what are you waiting for? Get started and achieve the goals of your life.

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